Legal Notice
This website can be accessed from
S.A.S au capital de 6 500 euros
Siège social 575 chemin HARIAGARAYA 64990 VILLEFRANQUE
E-mail address: c
[email protected] RCS de BAYONNE n°835392085
Intracommunity VAT number: FR 71 835 392 085
Director of publication of the site: SAS GOLF HERRIA
Information collected and our policy
The information collected is subject to computer processing intended for GOLF HERRIA and will under no circumstances be made available to third parties. In accordance with the European directive on the RGPD, General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data as of 25 May 2018, and the law "informatique et libertés" of 6 January 1978 modified in 2004, you have the right to access and rectify information concerning you. You may also, for legitimate reasons, object to the processing of data concerning you.
The RGPD :
The GDPR, General Data Protection Regulation, is as its name suggests a European regulation aimed at tightening control over the protection and respect of personal data and privacy.
Unlike a directive, the RGPD is a regulatory text that guarantees legal harmonisation of the 27 states of the European Union as of 25 May 2018. It replaces the 1978 Data Protection Act by strengthening the power of the CNIL, the rights of individuals and the penalties incurred.
What's new?
The main novelties introduced by the GDPR are the appearance of new rights:
- The right to portability means that any individual can retrieve all data about himself or herself from any organization for reuse as he or she sees fit.
- The right to limit processing allows a natural person to demand the limitation of the processing of his or her data. By exercising this right, the natural person forces the company to store his or her data without using it. This right can only be asserted if the processing is unlawful and/or if the information collected is inaccurate.
- The right of oblivion offers every individual the possibility to obtain the deletion of all data concerning him or her from an organisation. By withdrawal of consent, unjustified collection of data, opposition to processing, etc...
In the latter case, you must send an e-mail or a letter to the following address: GOLF HERRIA - 575 chemin HARIAGARAYA - 64990 VILLEFRANQUE or/and [email protected]
Existing rights still apply:
Some older rights should not be forgotten. They are still relevant in the RGPD, in particular :
- The right to information, i.e. the right to be kept informed whenever one's data is collected, even if it has been obtained from a third party.
- The right of access, which stipulates that a person has the right to obtain confirmation as to the status of his/her data (are they processed or not?) and a copy of his/her data.
- The right of rectification. The right to ask for the completion or correction of one's data.
- The right to object, which consists of being able to say no to the processing of personal data at any time, or to object to the marketing use of one's data.
- The right to communication of a violation of personal data. A right that obliges the data controller to notify any person whose data have been violated.
Our obligations:
In order for the DPMR to truly reinforce the fundamental right to protection of personal data and privacy, any entrepreneur must :
- Highlighting the rights of individuals on its website
- Natural persons must be clearly informed of their rights and the procedure for asserting them.
- Explicitly warn visitors to of data collection, ask for their consent (see our use of cookies below)
- In the event of a request to assert one of these rights, will respond within one month. This data will be permanently deleted.
- Retention of personal data :
36 months (3 years): the personal data of people who have been inactive for 3 years in our database are deleted.
13 months: the consent of for the processing of cookies is re-requested every 13 months
6 years: data related to the invoicing of orders.
GOLF HERRIA'sdata processing and policy
Since the creation of, it has been customary to:
- Have not made any purchases of personal data lists from third parties. does not collect any addresses via partners or contact file rentals for example.
- Do not resell personal data. does not share any information about you with external partners for any purpose, commercial or otherwise.
- has always recorded only the information useful for the processing of purchases, the manufacture of its custom putters and the orders presented in this legal notice.
- has never had and will never have access to any personal banking data. The payment module is the sole responsibility of our bank (and/or processing organization).
- Banking transactions are made directly between the customer and the institution responsible for the transactions.
- Your secret code is encrypted, or our host .......... have access to it.
- The various data processed are: surname, first name, e-mail, addresses, mobile phone number, etc.
- The types of processing carried out: registration on the site in the customer base (creation of customer account), registration in the newsletter base, registration in the contact form.
- The objective and purpose of the processing: sale and manufacture of custom putters, order processing (invoicing, shipment of goods), after-sales service management, communication operations (newsletter, e-mailing campaigns).
- The different actors involved in the processing: the management and employees of Golf Herria for the sale and shipment of goods, the company ……… for the maintenance and security of the website.
- keeps the personal data collected for the time strictly necessary to carry out the above-mentioned services. Personal data that have been inactive for 3 years are deleted by
Our use of cookies:
Cookies are small text files that are installed on your computer or device when you visit
During the consultation you have set up your Terminal, information relating to the navigation of your Terminal may be recorded in the "Cookies" files installed on your Terminal. Subject to the choices you have expressed regarding these files, which you may change at any time.
Only the issuer of a Cookie can read or modify the information contained therein.
We use cookies for :
- Memorize your login information.
- You identify when you log in to
- Memorize the products you have placed in your shopping cart when you visit different pages during a browsing session (whether you access the checkout page or log out before completing your purchase).
Information collected through cookies
Cookies help us collect information about how you use does not store any personally identifiable information in our cookie data.
Cookie management
Most browsers have options in the menu to manage your cookies by adjusting or configuring your cookie settings. Typically, the browser will give you the option to:
- to display the cookies,
- to allow cookies,
- to disable all cookies, or only specific cookies,
- to disable all cookies when you close your browser,
- to block cookies,
- to be notified when you receive a cookie.
Please note that if you choose to block our cookies, most of the functionality of the site will be disabled (including registration, posting comments and other interaction) and your browsing may also be affected. If you set your browser options to delete all cookies, your browsing preferences will be erased when you close your browser.
Please note that unless you have set your browser to reject cookies, our system will issue cookies whenever you visit one of our sites.
On your first visit, informs you about the use of cookies. displays a banner on the user's screen telling you that :
- Continuing to browse the site is equivalent to your authorisation
- Means are available to you to deactivate them.
The retention period of the information contained in the cookies is a maximum of 13 months. Once this period has elapsed, the insert will reappear to obtain the user's consent again. is the exclusive property of GOLF HERRIA
The general structure, as well as the software, texts, animated or fixed images, sounds, know-how, drawings, graphics (...) and any other element composing the site are the exclusive property of GOLF HERRIA.
Any total or partial representation of this site by any process whatsoever, without the express permission of GOLF HERRIA, is prohibited and would constitute an infringement punishable by articles L 335-2 and following of the Code of Intellectual Property.
It is the same for the databases appearing on the site, which are protected by the provisions of the law of July 1st, 1998 transposing into the Code of the intellectual property of the European directive of March 11th, 1996 relating to the legal protection of the databases and of which GOLF HERRIA is at the origin.
The trademarks of GOLF HERRIA and its partners, as well as the logos appearing on the site are registered trademarks.
Any total or partial reproduction of these brands as well as any total or partial representation of these brands and/or logos, made from elements of the site without the express permission of GOLF HERRIA are therefore prohibited, within the meaning of Article L 713-2 of the Intellectual Property Code.
Website publisher
The website is published by GOLF HERRIA. The site editor has a share capital of €6500 and is based at 575 chemin HARIAGARAYA - 64990 VILLEFRANQUE.
Website host
The website is hosted by the company
Mr Joseph Lambert, residing at 2 allée Sofia, 64600 Anglet,
SIREN number: 821656329,
telephone number: 0638442815
Google Analytics
This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google. Google Analytics uses cookies, which are text files placed on your computer. The aim is to help the website to analyse the use of the site by different users. The data collected by Google is stored in the United States. Google may also transfer this data to third parties if required by law or if this data is processed on behalf of the publisher.
You can disable cookies through your browser settings. Otherwise, by using this website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above.
Under no circumstances whatsoever, the publisher of the site or GOLF HERRIA can be held responsible for the contents that circulate on the website, when these contents are published automatically, without validation on the part of the publisher.
In addition, if a content present on the site conveys illicit information - defamation, racist remarks, pornography, incitement to hatred, counterfeiting - the publisher of the site GOLF HERRIA undertakes to remove this content as soon as possible, from the moment it becomes aware of it.
The publisher cannot be held responsible for hypertext links contained on the site giving access to other websites published and managed by third parties, if the latter do not comply with the legal provisions.
Finally, the publisher of the site GOLF HERRIA cannot be held responsible in case of damage resulting from the use of the internet network such as an external intrusion, a computer virus, a break in service or more generally all cases qualified as force majeure by the courts, especially during the online sales process.
If the site publisher were to be the subject of an amicable or legal procedure due to your use of the site, it could turn against you to obtain compensation for all damages, sums, sentences and costs that could result from this procedure..
Modification of the legal notices informs you that the Legal Notice may be modified at any time.
These modifications are published by putting them on line and are deemed to be accepted without reservation when you access the Site after they have been put on line. We recommend that you consult this page regularly.
Photos: Photomobile (P. TOHIER)
Graphic design: Emm@ Cooperation